

Fahrenheit is a project that I did many years ago in 1996. It is based on a Malaguti F12 frame, but radically modified. Fahrenheit is a scooter which takes inspiration from race motorcycles – for example the exhaust system is located just below the rear end. The main problem was finding a technical solution, since the engine and the exhaust on the scooter usually move together. On the Fahrenheit however, thanks to a link between the collector and the expansion chamber, which remains fixed on the frame, they can both move independently.
Another unique characteristic is that Fahrenheit is equipped with a uniqe cooling system. This system works in the following manner: The cylinder head is cooled with water, whereas the cylinder itself is cooled with air.
Another interesting characteristic is that there are no rear view mirrors, but a camera, that sends the pictures to a computer in the helmet, which then projects them on the inside of the visor.